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For the Assessment Unit to offer the best quality and an advanced service there need to be up to date psychometric tests in Arabic that are nationally standardized for Kuwait.


CCET’s Research and Test Development Unit is therefore dedicated to developing nationally standardized tests in collaboration with Kuwait’s Ministry of Education and Kuwait University as well as other local, regional, and international organizations with relevant expertise.


CCET’s Research and Test Development Unit aims to develop general ability tests as well as tests measuring levels of reading, writing, and numerical skills in Arabic. Other diagnostic type tests are also being developed in this unit.


CCET’s  Research and Test Development Unit work is instrumental in maintaining the quality of the assessment service at CCET, and will be of great benefit to individuals being assessed and their parents. Such advanced, reliable, and appropriate tests will ensure that the assessment service is effective and takes into account the local culture of Arabic speaking individuals as well as the specific linguistic nature of written and spoken Arabic.    


CCET has also been working to establish a reputation as a leading regional research centre concerned with applied research in the area of learning disabilities amongst Arabic speakers. 

CCET believes that  regional applied research  is necessary as the effects of  language and culture on learning disabilities cannot be under-estimated. Such locally-based work will reduce the need to rely on procedures developed outside of the Arab world (e.g., in English speaking communities).


CCET understands the importance of building on previous work conducted in other languages whilst attempting to make procedures as appropriate as possible for Arabic speaking children. Although research in several languages has shown that English language based tests can be useful, the specific features of the language need to be  considered in developing test protocols and procedures.

CCET realizes that it is equally important to disseminate knowledge of work undertaken at the center either via presenting the research work in seminars, conferences and public lectures, or via an peer-reviewed journal.


CCET is also involved in publishing books on learning disabilities and related issues in both English and Arabic languages.

Research and

Test Development


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