CCET was first established in 1984 in response to the needs of a group of Kuwaiti mothers who realized that their children were having difficulty with school work. As they were unable to find advice locally, they traveled to the UK and subsequently, to the USA where their children were assessed and programs for them were recommended. On returning to Kuwait, they decided to set up a center so that children could be assessed and receive remedial teaching without having to leave the country. With the support of their families and friends, they set up an office in Shuweikh close to the sea front. The centre was registered as a charity and thus qualified for an annual grant from the Ministry of Social Affairs & Labour.
From the beginning the Board of Directors was clear about the goals of CCET. It was there to aid those children with average abilities that were not performing at a level consistent with their potential. Children commonly faced difficulties in reading, spelling, math, and oral and written work. Many of these children are hindered in their learning due to dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia or dyscalculia, or often a combination of these conditions.
Set in the heart of Al Surrra, is the new Center for Child Evaluation and Teaching (CCET). This dynamic organization which offers both diagnostic and remedial services to children with learning difficulties in addition to its training and awareness activities has come a long way.
CCET seeks to engage with diverse audiences and benefactors, at the local, national, regional and international level, on how to provide scientific-based information on learning disabilities in both English and Arabic so as to raise awareness, build capacity and share knowledge on best practices while dealing with the daily challenges of teaching disabled individuals. CCET believes that every individual matters and that enabling individuals with learning disabilities and supporting them in a culture of care will ultimately enable them to contribute fully and positively in the community they live in.
CCET is gaining recognition particularly in the UK and USA amongst those in the learning difficulties arena. The centre can without doubt be considered a beacon in the region where there is a great need for more help of this nature.