The children on CCET’s Morning Program study the curriculum adopted by the Ministry of Education in all Arabic mainstream schools. Specialists in the different areas of learning difficulties work with individuals or groups of children. The Morning Program starts at 3rd grade and goes up to 9th grade.
Every child is assessed before being registered on the Morning Program. If it is felt that this is the correct environment, the child undergoes further testing to ensure that a comprehensive Individual Education Plan (IEP) is drawn up. This identifies the child’s needs and, most importantly, what the program aims to achieve for that child.
CCET is keen to advocate inclusion and to this end, many children are refused entry because they can function well in the mainstream by making very minor modifications to how they are taught. Equally, it is always a proud day when pupils leave the Morning Program, after 9th grade, to continue their education back in a government or private school.
The Morning Intervention Program follows a teaching philosophy that regards the student as a whole, tries to improve his educational level , refines his personality, and takes into account his own needs through focusing on academic achievement together with the technical aspects such as music and painting, sports, nutrition and technology. The Day Intervention Program also focuses on emotional growth, and social and psychological aspects of students. This is done through psychological counseling services provided on request by specialist psychologists and social workers to raise self-esteem, motivate, and provide the child with strategies and skills to assist in overcoming the challenges which arise in daily life. Additionally, a partnership with parents of students enrolled in the program is set up.
The Center for Child Evaluation and Teaching celebrates the successes of its students over the past twenty seven years, and is proud to have provided the community with doctors ,officers, engineers, lawyers and graduates of PAAET and secondary schools.